Dr. Florian Kandler

I’m passionate about helping founders and innovators succeed. After having started three product companies before 2015 myself, my businesses after 2015 in the areas of teaching, publishing and events are all about supporting and promoting the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Let’s keep up that Startup Spirit!

current businesses

Since 2015, I’ve launched several initiatives, products and offerings. The common denominator of them all is my passion to support and promote founders and innovators. The focus is on various industries in Europe.




Past Businesses & Life

A little glimpse into my fortunate journey from childhood with a passion for entrepreneurship to becoming a founder, and the experiences that inspired me to do the things I do today.

As a high school student, I already had a passion for business. I created all kinds „side hustles“ to jazz up my rather small pocket money. Among them: a market place for console games, a (granted: very seasonal) fire cracker business, as well as a high school newspaper, and the occasional „service business“ of ball-boying on tennis courts while on family vacation.

In college I founded the first student entrepreneurs club in Austria. For my master’s thesis I researched employee incentive programs in startups in Denmark. Towards the end of my studies of business informatics it was crystal clear to me: I want to be an entrepreneur.

To become professional in one of the most important competencies of any entrepreneur – sales – I moved to Munich (a city I had always loved) and joined the sales team of an IT outsourcing company.

After four very educational and successful years, I moved to Vienna where I would go on to found or co-found three companies in the following years. Two of those companies raised venture funding of over 3 million Euros from investors in the US, Austria and Germany. Among them, the investment fund of European e-commerce billionaire Oliver Samwer and his brothers.

Some of my most valuable and formative time as an entrepreneur was my time living in Silicon Valley for half a year. I learned things that substantially influence my level of success ever since. I learned by observing and talking to successful entrepreneurs. But most importantly, I learned by being fortunate to win a handful of highly successful business people as personal mentors.

Those mentors showed me what it means to „pay it forward“ – to help younger entrepreneurs by sharing knowledge. I experienced it myself, how essentially important their knowledge and support was for my own entrepreneurial success. This inspired me to start my initiatives (see here) that focus on helping young founder and innovators succeed.

Never stop. And always: keep up that startup spirit!

Individuelles 1:1-Coaching

Ich erarbeite und optimiere mit dir deinen ganz persönlichen perfekten Pitch. In nur 1 bis 2 Stunden kann ein Pitch maßgeblich optimiert werden, oder die Struktur und Storyline deines neuen Pitches aufgebaut werden. Individuelles 1:1-Coaching ist die schnellste Art, dich und deinen Pitch bereit für den nächsten großen Termin oder Auftritt zu machen.


Hallo, Florian Kandler hier. Meine Passion ist es, GründerInnen und UnternehmerInnen zu helfen, ihre Ideen und Produkte so zu präsentieren, dass sie die Aufmerksamkeit und den Erfolg bekommen, den sie verdienen.

In den Firmen, die ich in den letzten 15 Jahren gegründet oder mitgegründet habe, war ich immer für Vertrieb, Marketing, Business Development und Investorensuche zuständig. Zwei meiner Startups haben auch mehrere Millionen Euro Risikokapital von Business Angels und Venture Capital Investoren aus Deutschland, Österreich und den USA erhalten.

Ich habe selbst erlebt und gelernt, was für einen großen Unterschied es macht, wenn ich kleine, smarte Verbesserungen in der Art und Weise umsetzte, wie ich meine Idee oder mein Produkt pitche. Statt permanent den Investoren oder Käufern nachzulaufen, drehte sich der Spieß plötzlich um – die Kunden und Investoren begannen, mich „zu jagen“.

Ich freue mich, wenn ich auch dir mit meinen Erfahrungen und meinem Wissen auf deinem Weg zum Erfolg helfen kann.

Beste Grüße,

Florian Kandler
– Keep up that startup spirit!

© 2024 | floriankandler.com

innovtrs Ltd., A. Papadiamanti 1, B/33, CY-6035 Larnaka, EU